Pastoral Care
It is our desire to shepherd God’s people by loving and serving them any way we can. We want to celebrate with you in times of great joy as in weddings, and times of great sorrow as in funerals, and every need in between. We want to serve you. We want to hear your story and It is our desire to encourage and motivate you and help you find direction, peace, comfort, solace, or assistance in any need you might have. We were made to be in community and it is our desire to see you flourish in every area of your life.
1 Peter 5:2-3 “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”
Water Baptism
Water Baptism is one of the most significant moments in your life – a decision that impacts the rest of your life and eternity. To help you have a full understanding of what water baptism is all about, please take some time to go through the following questions:
1. In Acts 2:41, what happened to those who accepted Peter ’s message? firsT die. What must we die before we can be baptized?
2. In Acts 8:12, what did the men and women who believed Philip’s message do?
3. In Acts 8:35-36, after hearing the good news about Jesus, what did the Ethiopian eunuch want to do?
4. In Matthew 28:19-20, what did Jesus say to do with the disciples that were made?
5. In Romans 6:1-4, Paul compares Christian baptism to a burial. In order to be buried, a person must
6. The Israelites’ passing through the Red Sea is a picture of baptism for us. In Exodus 2:23 and 3:7-9, why were the Israelites fleeing from the Egyptians?
7. In Exodus 14:22-28, what happened to the Egyptians?
8. Paul says baptism is like a circumcision not done by human hands, but a circumcision done by Christ. In Colossians 2:11- 12 What is put off during this spiritual circumcision?
9. In 1 Peter 3:21, what did Peter say the flood symbolized? What is baptism a pledge of?
All of the Bible’s pictures of baptism show the old life is put away and a new life emerging. In baptism, we publicly display what Jesus did through his death and resurrection. By obeying his command to be baptized, we identify with the power of the cross and resurrection to deliver us completely from the power and authority of sin. At HOGGChurch, water baptisms take place the third Sunday of every month.
At HOGG Church, we are committed to helping church members who are in need. We currently collect a special benevolence offering on the 5th Sunday of each corresponding month in order to assist those in material need.
As a church, we are prepared to offer material assistance to our members that are in need. Also, a regular attender of the church who is not yet a member may apply with the referral of a church member. The type of assistance offered will vary based on the need and circumstances of the individual in question.
Requests may be made by the completion and submission of a Benevolence Application Form. All member benevolence requests are to be routed directly to a member of our Benevolence Council.
HOGG Phenomenal Women
”Who can find a Virtuous Woman? for her price is far above rubies” Proverb 31:10-31
HOGG Church Women’s ministry is about connecting – woman to woman, friend to friend. We are equipping each other to embrace our God-given beauty, share talents and experiences and use our influence to walk in our God-given destiny. It is our goal to help every woman develop a personal relationship with the Lord, a strong bond with her family and build real friendships with other women. Join us as we make memories that will last a lifetime. We celebrate and rejoice with women in all stages of life. We relish the opportunity to worship together, serve together and knit our hearts together as we seek after God.
Our heart is to connect women with one another for encouragement and friendship, to empower women to share the goodness of God with others, to embrace our God-given beauty, to share talents and experiences and use our influence to walk in our God-given destiny. Our passion is to see women of all ages flourish and be empowered to excel in every season of life. We love to laugh, have fun and enjoy this beautiful, God-breathed life!
HOGG Men Power
Like all ministry at HOGGChurch, our Men’s Ministry is about relationships. Friend to friend. Provider to provider. Husband to husband. Father to father. Through small groups, outdoor fun and conversation, we get to the heart of men’s matters. Together we want to display lives that count in our homes, work, community and in the church.
Whether it is at Starbucks, on the golf course, over a barbecue grill by the lake or with fishing rods in hand, we challenge one another to seek the Lord and be empowered to be the best men we can be. Accountable and trustworthy, we’re seeking to grow in the things of God so we can be used by God in our families and workplaces.
One of the most sacred and beautiful ceremonies of the church is the marriage service. It is a worship service in which a man and a woman, in the company of their loved ones and friends, publicly covenant with each other in the presence of God. A Christian wedding is much more than a social event.
God unites a woman and a man in holy marriage. It is a life-long commitment, a covenant relationship, and the foundation on which a healthy Christ-centered family is built. It is the desire of the pastors and staff of HOGGChurch to make every wedding a special, sacred and memorable event.​
Child Dedication
In House Of God’s Glory Church we desire to see every member live a life that counts for eternity, and we believe this starts at a very young age. Psalm 127:3 proclaims that children are a reward from God. He delights in children. He takes pleasure in them. They are one of the greatest gifts He gives to husbands and wives. Because children are a gift from God, it’s natural that Christian parents present and dedicate their children to Him. In the gospels, Jesus displays God’s love and value of children.
Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. Mark 10:13-16
What a beautiful picture of Christ. People brought little children and babies to Him so that He could place His hands on them and speak blessings over them. Following Jesus Christ’s example, in child dedication the church pastors and congregation pray blessings over the children and their families.
Also, in child dedication the parents are making a public declaration that they are going to teach their children the Word of God and demonstrate Christ to them in your households. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. – Deuteronomy 6:5-7
Child dedication takes place four times a year and is reserved for members only. Only members are permitted because in the dedication the church and the families are demonstrating their commitment to one another and to the joint responsibility of investing in and stewarding the children.
The Christian funeral is a worship service in which God’s people witness to their faith in the hope of the Gospel, the communion of saints, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting and in which also a comforting assurance of God’s love and salvation in Christ is ministered, especially to the Christian bereaved.
The funeral is God’s way of bringing comfort to the hearts of those who mourn as scripture is read and preached, prayer is offered, praises are sung, grief is expressed, remembrance is cherished; and it is an occasion in which we, by the grace of God, bless the name of the One who gives and takes away.
The presence of family and friends around at this time serves to support and strengthen those who sorrow. The funeral gives thanks for life and lifts meaningful memories of lost loved ones helping us learn vital lessons from it. Thus, in the funeral service, we gather primarily to worship God and confess our faith in a living Savior. Though we mourn our loss and remember our loved one, our focus is fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Marriage & Pre-Marriage
House of God’s Glory Church is committed to marriages and strong family values by reflecting God’s grace and truth. When a husband and wife have one heart and mind with God, they can relate to each other with unconditional love and the fruit of the Spirit. This is the very image of God on earth, and we believe that every healthy marriage will affect generations to come! We want to see marriages flourish! We offer to mentor and various workshops to help enable you with a biblical perspective and relationship skills. Great marriages don’t happen by accident but thrive with strong commitment and a vision of Christ at the center.
Pre-marriage counseling
One of our Pastors can walk you through pre-marriage interviews and counseling to help you establish a firm foundation to build a vibrant strong healthy marriage. We encourage and motivate couples to grow in their individual walks with Christ and prepare them to walk in unity, into a divine ”us”.
We offer marriage enrichment programs and small group studies to challenge and help married couples grow. Also, we offer couple to couple mentoring for those who desire to engage education and Marriage Enrichment in a mentor team. Genuine authentic relationships that are accountable are pivotal to the mentoring process.
The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, so they might be one heart and mind with Us. Then the world might believe that You, in fact, sent Me. The same glory you gave Me, I gave them, so they’ll be as unified and together as We are—I in them and You in Me. Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence that You’ve sent Me and loved them in the same way You’ve loved Me. – John 17:21–23
HOGG Singles
HOGG Singles are adults who find themselves single by choice, by chance and single again after divorce. We believe everyone matters and that there is a place for you at House Of God’s Glory Church. We encourage our singles to get involved in the life of the church through small groups, quarterly fellowship gatherings, men’s and women’s ministry and volunteer service opportunities.
We are a diverse group of people who share marketplace experience, family life and have a deep commitment to growing in the things of God.